Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Busy Halloween Weekend...

We started off our busy weekend at White Knoll's last home football game. We've enjoyed going to lots of them this season! We manage to sit near the Scholl's every game! The boys thought they were hot stuff tonight because we let them stand at the fence for part of the game! We're going to Lexington to watch them play each other this week!

Then, early Saturday morning Austin's team had their first playoff game, and of course, we had to play Avery's team right away! It was a great game for both teams, but Austin's team won. The score was 32-26! You can see how excited Austin was!

I know this picture doesn't show any action, but something about seeing his name on his jersey makes me like it! Our next game is Tuesday.

Austin and Avery at Aliza Grace's birthday party...still friends after the game! ;)

Logan dressed up as the Red Power Ranger for Aliza Grace's bowling costume party!

Then, Saturday night we had a Halloween party for all of us to go to! The Young's threw a great party! The highlight of the night was the haunted hay ride in the back yard and the toilet paper mummy game (aka toilet paper fight)! We all had fun!

We ended our weekend on Sunday by celebrating "real" Halloween with our neighbors! Here's a glimpse of our two little ninjas before we headed out...

Here's a view from I saw most of the night...

And, this is a group photo of most of our neighborhood kids gathered together for a quick picture. The funny part about this house is when they all knocked on the door, they opened and said, "TRICK!" and shut the door really quick! Of course they opened it right back up and gave out candy. The kids didn't know what to do at first! ;)

So, as you can see, we had a very fun-filled, BUSY weekend! But, I loved every minute of it because we were ALL together! Roger is still working days for a couple more weeks, and I can tell you it's long enough for us to all get used to it!!! I have a feeling the weeks ahead will continue to fly by, and before you know it I will be posting about Thanksgiving and Christmas! Wow....better start my shopping!


The Crotwell Family said...

Looks like you guys had a very busy but fun Halloween! Love the costumes and can't believe how big your boys are getting, I know you are so proud of them.

Kelly Potter said...

How cute are your little Ninjas! It looks like you guys have really enjoyed some awesome family time- isn't that what life is about? Glad Roger has been there to enjoy the time too!

Anonymous said...

looks like a lot of fun!
yes the fall season is always exciting---and quick!

enjoy it.

See What We Have Going On...