Monday, July 11, 2011

A Slideshow with MORE Photos!

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(There's another post below this with more details/descriptions about Logan's Fake 6 Party!)

Logan, Doodlebug! You amaze me EVERYday with the things you can do! From the day you were born (the BEST Christmas present ever!!!) we knew you were very different from your brother! Your little brain NEVER stops working! You constantly ask questions and explain things out loud all the time...commercials, shows, games, and even when you are building and playing with your toys! Star Wars has been a HUGE interest for you for about 2 and half years already! You LOVE anything that has to do with Star Wars! You're beginning to like Pokemon and Bakugan some too, but secretly, I think that's just because you know your brother will do those things with you. You are always on the go (your feet never stopped moving throughout your entire baseball season), but you had a wonderful schol year with Mrs. Merri! You have awesome manners (always saying "yes, ma'am/sir," "please," "excuse me...with a giggle", and "thank you"), and you LOVE to cuddle (mostly when you are tired). Every night when it's bed time, you always ask if I can come cuddle with you to watch ONE show! I will miss this all too soon! You are vey strong willed at times, and if Austin does something that makes you mad, you usually let him know pretty quickly (you've been known to say, "I don't care if I'm in trouble, he deserved it!"). You're growing like a weed! The very beginning of June you had me mark on the wall how tall you were, and a month later we stood you beside that very same mark (last week) and already you are over an inch taller! :( You press your "grow button...meeeeep, meeeep,meeep!!!" all the time to tease me and your dad (I'll have to record a video of that to post later!)!!! You are super smart too! I love to watch you count/add things. You do this thing with your fingers and touch your chin, but it works! You can do problems like 9+8 (anything 10+10 and below) and get them right! You can count to over thirty nine by yourself (and can even recognize the numbers in print too. You know the different coins by name AND value(you know the nickel is worth 5 cents bc it's like you, you call the dime a "shrunken Austin" bc it's worth 10). You are very close to reading on your own! You can sound out words when you see them in print, and if you want to write a word, you can sound it out and write it by yourself and get very close to the real spelling! I've probably already posted this at some point, but in May you wrote C-A-T-R-P-L-R (for caterpillar)! Pretty good for a five year old not in kindergarten yet! Which, by the way, is coming very soon! I am SO exctied you'll be at CSE with me and Austin this year (though Gam-ma will have withdrawals, I am SURE!!!)! You swim like a fish (and want to do it ALL the time),and you're even diving in! Your newest accomplishment you love in the pool is your ability to swim towards the bottom of the pool to retrieve things (in the shallow end). You LOVE playing video games with your Dad (Halo Wars and any Lego game he'll play)!!! I joke to you all the time about "stealing him from me!" You still randomly come up to us and say, "I love you!" (with a big squeeze, hug, and cuddle!)...which we love and think is so sweet! Wow...didn't mean to write so much here! Just wanted to write a few of the things you are doing right now! You boys just grow up TOO FAST!!! And, I want to be able to look back and remember it ALL! Love you bunches, Logan!!!!


The Crotwell Family said...

Looks like it was a very fun fake "6" birthday. Too cute!! Did you make the cupcakes...very creative.

Stephanie said...

Thanks, Wendy...I bought the ring things online and stuck them in the store bought cupcakes....Does that count??? Having my niece's party here the night before AND doing all my school work left no time for me to actually make them this year!

See What We Have Going On...