Sunday, July 28, 2013

"New" Kitchen

FINALLY (after almost 9 years in the house) we have a room with some color in the walls! When we had first moved in we had just totally redone the entire condo and didn't even want to touch a paint brush. Then, we had a toddler and a new baby soon after (gasp...both of which are no where near babies anymore! Tear!) so there was NO need to paint until they had all their finger print/wall writing out of their system. And, then, I went BACK to school for the third time and there was no time to paint between the countless papers/case studies to write... So, when I say FINALLY know its with some excitement bc it was much overdue! 
I have a feeling this will only make me want to continue with a few other rooms, but since summer is almost over (sadly) they may have to wait! 

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