Saturday, January 14, 2012

Poker Face on New Year's Day!?!

EVERY New Year's Day we go to Kathy and George's house to spend the day, eat, and watch football (it was a tradition started "BS"...Before Steph, but one we all have come to enjoy!). This year was a tad bit college bowl games (thanks to a weird schedule for them all to be played during the week) AND Zack was sick! So, it was just the four of us and Grandmother and Pa-paw! We ate, lounged, and! It was the boys' first time playing. It had it's ups and downs... smiles when they were winning, and "grumps" when they weren't! They both came out the winners, though! We didn't stay quite as late, either, because Roger had to work that night...but it was a good family day (laziness, good food, and good times!). Austin at a "winning moment!"
Pa-paw going, "hmmmmmm?"
Daddy whistling "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers!
Austin with his winnings!
And, Logan with his!

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