Monday, July 22, 2013

A Negative Side Effect of my Smartphone

So, summer is already winding down (sniff, sniff), and my goal of catching up on blog posts hasn't happened... YET!!! As I realized tonight my last post was BEFORE Thanksgiving (and, after a nudge from my aunt, yes, YOU Aunt -Chelle), I decided no time to waste...why did my posts dwindle down? Busy, busy, busy for one... But the more I thought about it I realized I have a TON of pictures on my iPhone! Sure, I have Dropbox, but I am just really bad about making a quick post on FB and telling myself 'I will get to the computer soon' to do a real blog update. Another reason could very well be that my laptop ha become hostage to Logan and his new love of Minecraft! Maybe I have found a solution... I am currently blogging this post from the culprit of the non existent posts- yep, my iPhone! They have apps for everything! So, this is a test to see if it cooperates and how it goes! If I can do quick updates from my phone, my blogging will be back on a regular basis! 

So, as a test, here are a couple of pictures from our trip to Carowinds with the Taylors this weekend! 
Love my amazing family!!! 
Here all all the grand kids with Pa-Paw and Grandmother! 
After two whole days there, today we were all quite exhausted! We did manage a little swim after dinner! And, I managed a blog post.... LOTS more to come! ;) feels good to be back, and I have much to update! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know, steph, i had given up on you! i randomly came here today to catch up (just in case). loved the surprise posts.

your boys are big!!
so glad school is off to a good start, and it seems like you guys had a nice summer.
sorry we weren't there for the 4th. looked like fun.

keep it up, and i'll check again soon (:

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