Saturday, August 25, 2012

1st Day of Middle School/First Grade

The first day of school is always bittersweet for me for a couple reasons....ONE, it's a constant reminder of how quickly my boys are growing up (someone find/discover a pause button!!!)...TWO, it's an end to my summer/days off (I LOVE being home with my boys and not being tied down to a schedule! And, this was the first summer in two years I actually had OFF with no course work/horrendously long papers to write)...THREE, I get to hear the excitement my boys have as they talk all about their days in school (and, of course, the occasional grumbles too!)...FOUR, it's football GAME time (and, for me that means I get to watch Austin "slobber-knock" people)...FIVE, we get back on our "normal" schedules (haha, I know this contradicts what I just said a minute ago! There's something about being on a schedule that helps me get more accomplished!)....
Gotta have a first day picture with Mom! :) My boys can snap a pretty good photo, huh?
Austin came home on Day 1 and said Middle School is like a vacation....Day 2 he said Middle School is exhausting....Day 3 when I got home he was sounds asleep on his bed and thought it was the next day when I woke him up! I can't believe he's in middle school!!!!
Logan loves that he has some friends in his class from last year's class! He LOVES being able to go to the "big" playground for recess, and they had watermelon with lunch on Friday (you KNOW he is a happy boy!)!!! Here's to another great school year!!!

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