Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day #2

Here's what happens in the south...ICE! After all our beautiful snow, we got lots of freezing rain/sleet! So today, there is not much "snow" to play in...just lots of ice (and now some slush). The temperatures tonight are supposed to be really cold (I think like 18 degrees) so it will al re-freeze again tonight! Not sure what that will mean for school tomorrow, but whatever happens with school this week, it will undoubtedly be the craziest school week I have ever had! I'm loving my time at home with my boys though (and, this could not have fallen more perfect with Roger's schedule because he's been off with us!!!)!!! Here a few pictures from today (notice: NO Roger in any photos...he is NOT a fan of the white stuff!):

Logan was light enough he could lay on the ice and pull himself around (without sinking through). He looked like a little penguin tobagganing around. He thought this was lots of FUN!

Bree stayed right near the boys! She had a really hard time walking on the ice today. Every once in a while, she'd slip and "wipe out!" She wouldn't go in the house though! Silly dog!

Brotherly love...Austin asked Logan to hold a big chunk of ice so he could break it. You can see how well that worked out!?!

Austin giving his little brother a shove down the hill!

Austin's turn to slide down!!!

Logan and Me


The Crotwell Family said...

Great pictures Stephaine! We had the same experiences today, it was pitiful to see Allie-Ann trying to walk around in the show, she didn't sink through either and was slipping around everywhere. She didn't quite understand it...but was happy to see our snowman still there. I know you have been enjoying these days, you will probably go in late tomorrow or not at all. And who knows, we might get some more white stuff next week, crazy weather this year.

Kelly Potter said...

Those are great pictures! I really love the picture of you and your baby. I am glad for the time we can spend at home this week too. My house is suffering for it, but not us!
Cameron loved the ice too- he "surfed" on his wake board! Reagan liked the snow much better.
Happy rest of the week!

See What We Have Going On...