Monday, July 11, 2011

Logan's 'Fake 6' Birthday

Happy 'Fake 6' Birthday, Logan! :)

Most everyone knows since Logan's REAL birthday is ON Christmas Day (like mine too!), we have his party around his half birthday. It's so much easier on everyone else to be able to come, and it eliminates him getting everything ALL in one day. Christmas and birthdays tend to run together when they are, well, together! This lets him celebrate his birthday and be the STAR totally in the spotlight as you should be on YOUR birthday! Here a few of the "better" shots of the day! I'll post a smilebox in a separate post because there really are just too many pictures to share one at a time! May the Force be with you!!! Ha ha!

Welcome to the "Dark Side!" Here's Logan with a group of his friends!

OH MY WORD!!!! The Merritts hit a GRAND SLAM in Logan's ballpark!!! Mr. Jesse hooked Logan up with a huge box filled with Star Wars "stuff!" Then, later he gave him ANOTHER box FULL of Lego Star Wars stuff! It was too much, really, but it was also AWESOME! Not sure who was smiling more...the Merritts or Logan! Logan (and even Austin) have been playing with all this stuff BUNCHES already!

Logan LOVES any Lego game that comes out! He's been asking for the Pirates of the Carribean Lego since May. He has begged and begged, and I can not even tell you how many times he has emptied his piggy bank out (even grouping his coins into dollar piles to count...he already knows it takes 4 quarters to make a dollar) to see if he has enough of his own money!

What would a Star Wars Party be without some light saber/clone trooper blaster action be!?! They were all running around with something! Watch out!

Austin is trying to get all his plates (I mean, craters) out to work his strategy to cross over! Bree knows what is normally ON the plates, and she's thinking, "WOW! He's going to put a plate down here for me!?!" LOL Sorry, Bree, nothing is on it!

I love the excitement you can see Logan display after his team "won" the game! The other team was at a disadvantage because they had Cara, but of course, everyone got prizes (so no one cared!).

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