Sunday, July 31, 2011

An "Unpictured," LOVE my Life Post

I don't post too often without pictures. In fact, this might be "numero dos" in that department! Just feeling a bit sentimental and wanted to write (something meaningful, and fun to me...NOT a paper, Case Study, or Major Assessment)! I've just returned from my 2nd (and LAST!!!!) residency in MN. Can I just tell you...I do NOT envy people that have to travel for work! I am certainly not one of "those people" that needs a break away from my family! I HATE being away from them, and I'm pretty sure they didn't like it either! My boys were pitiful, and this weekend with them has been good (minus the fact Roger hasn't been off with us!). We've eaten at Sumos, taken a trip to Gamestop, shopped for all their school supplies, and played Just Dance for Kids!!! Logan has played in the rain and taken over my lap (that he barely fits in anymore...sniff, sniff!). Last night I stayed up until midnight watching "Wild Animal Repo" with Austin. I just love that my almost double digit aged child wants to hang out watching tv with me, and he still tells me "I'm glad you're home!" Roger and I talk ALL the time about how lucky and blessed we are!!! You always hear people say how much you have to "work at" relationships to make them work...and, that is just NOT how we see it! We JUST's not hard or complicated, it's not work, it's not even much compromise...I consider ourselves VERY lucky because I don't think it's that way for enough other people. But, it is what I want for both my boys!!!

My family has been enduring me doing A LOT of work over the past year and half, and I couldn't have done as well as I have without their support and help!!! This summer is almost over (gulp!!! so much to do!!!!), and though I don't like seeing summer come to a close, I am just looking forward to December when I finish my degree, and I can go back to JUST being a wife, a mommy, and a teacher! I am already looking forward to next summer...when I can enjoy every minute of it with my boys (all THREE of them!!!). We're sort of beginning a new chapter this year...Roger is going to be transitioning to a DAY SHIFT job (still not exactly sure when), Logan will be at school with me, and I'll be finishing ALL this school stuff!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how all this good stuff is happening at once!?! Roger has rotated at Michelin since we met over twelve years ago, and I can't wait for him to be home with us EVERY night and EVERY weekend!!!! I am so very excited to have BOTH my boys at school with me this year (better be the only year they are at the same school!)! Not taking him to Mom and Dad's will give me back an hour EVERY morning and OVER an hour EVERY afternoon/evening, as well!!! (Don't worry, Mom, we'll schedule dinners!!!)That gives me back over ten hours of time every week!!! WOW! And, finishing this degree, well, I can't even calculate the hours that will give me back each week (mostly of sleep, work out time, and sitting/cuddling on the couch watching mindless tv shows!)!!!

So, I know this sounds like "Charlie Brown's Teacher" to some of you....but, I wanted to get all my "I LOVE my life and family" thoughts out! My family means the world to me! I love being with them, and I am SO looking forward to our new chapter! The previous chapters have been incredible, and I know the rest will continue to get better!!!!! Stay tuned..... LOTS of things coming up....Austin's 10th b-day (where does the time go!?!), football, 1st day of school, soccer, and just the random things of our life that happen!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great, Steph!
Congrats on your hard work. Hope the rest will be a breeze.

Enjoy it all!

See What We Have Going On...