Monday, July 4, 2011

The Braves Game

Warning, Warning, Warning....this post has lots of pictures because there were just too many to pick only a couple! I like the Smileboxes, but when I print out this blog (one day) I don't think the Smileboxes will print.

We aren't taking a "big" family vacation this, we're trying to do a couple smaller things that are fun, but don't take a huge chunk of time. With me trying to finish up school and get all my hours in for my field experiences there really just isn't much time. We did Clemson the first weekend of summer, and this weekend we went to Atlanta. We went to a Braves game (Logan's first...which we can't believe! We used to go at least once a year!) and to the Georgia Aquarium! We even stayed at our favorite Atlanta hotel, the Westin. It was a much needed mini family vacation, and SO much fun! We got to see David Ross hit a GRAND SLAM (which made them win the game), a really good firework show, and really neat animals at the (overcrowded) aquarium...I'll do a seperate post about that! :) Here's all about our Braves game! It's, for sure, we need to start doing every year, again!

Only in the south...a watermelon seed spitting contest! I should have taken a picture of the mat they had to spit it on because it was cute!

On the way in...

In the stands...watching the game! I love Logan's expressions in most photos! You can tell he doesn't want to stop watching what's going on, and LOTS of times his little eyes are darting to the side!

Logan and his Daddy! :) Logan had LOTS of fun makng noise and cheering the Braves on! He was embarassing Austin a little at one point, and Austin told him not to be so loud....Logan quickly told him, "We're not inside, Austin, so I can use an outside voice!" The lady behind us thought that he was so cute when he said that that she repeated the story to her mom, and then Logan felt like that was permission to keep being loud (smiling, of course!).

Since it was 4th of July weekend, they did a BIG fireworks show after the game! It was pretty good! I felt like I was at Disney!

A quick shot AFTER the game! :)

Here are the boys checking out the "night view" from the hotel windows after getting back from the game! They spotted the Hard Rock Cafe across the street and decided they were, we went (yes! After 11 pm!!!)!

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