Sunday, November 6, 2011


Well, we had another successful night of trick-or-treating! Austin decided at the last minute to join in (yay!!! Mom didn't like the idea of him not going this year!)! So, we had a Darth Vadar (no surprise there) and an Indian Crazy Horse (thank goodness for Pioneer/Indian Day last month for school)! I have never been a homemade costume kind of mom...not for boys! I could never pull off the stuff they have wanted to be! Nights like these remind me of why I love our neighbors! We all meet in front of our houses, and we trick-or-treat up and down our street as a group! FUN TIMES! They get PLENTY of candy from our wonderful friends and neighbors, and we get back home early enough to hand out candy to other trick-or-treaters! Now, if I can make myself stay out of all the chocolate!
One to show the height difference, of course!
Dad doing the "candy check" when we got home!
Some of our neighbors!!!

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