Monday, June 4, 2012

We're SO Proud of Austin!

Oh.My.Goodness. I cannot believe our "Austin Boston" is no longer an elementary student! It will be rather weird for me to not have him at school with me next year! He's had an amazing year, once again! We're so proud of all his hard work, and we know he'll do great things in the future!!! He got NINE awards this year (very proud Momma and Daddy!)...PAWS Cafe, A/B honor Roll, National PE Fitness Awards, Jump Rope for Heart, District Chorus, Regular Chorus, Most Improved Reading (he had the highest Reading MAP scores in his class AND he went WAY over his own Target score...wahoo!!!), a certificate of completion, and a Typing Award (for how many words per minute he can type already)! Austin, we are SUPER proud of you!!! LOVE you BUNCHES!!! Here's a picture of all his awards (minus the PAWS Cafe Certificate)! A PROUD Daddy! I love this picture! Austin and Mrs. Lowe (his reading and social studies teacher). He LOVED her sense of humor! Austin and Mrs. K (aka Mrs. Kropinski), his math and science teacher. He really liked having her this year! And, there's our big guy up on the stage sporting his big ole' grin after getting A/B Honor Roll!

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